Asset finance is beneficial for businesses who might not have that much spare cash, but need a quick and easy solution in order to secure equipment for their business without breaking the bank. To buy equipment outright might be a strain on finances, but asset finance can lend you the cash for important purchases quickly and easily with an agreed repayment term and an affordable monthly cost.
It’s often easier to obtain asset finance than other types of finance solution, so it could be the option for you. The fixed instalment plan is also a beneficial factor of asset finance as it allows you to manage cash flow and organise your monthly outgoings.
At AJL Finance, we offer both finance lease and hire purchase options. Finance lease means that the cost and VAT are spread across the payment term and then the equipment is given back at the end of this term. Hire purchase is where the VAT is paid upfront, the equipment can be bought for a one-off payment at the end of the term.
We also offer sale and leaseback options, where an asset that has been purchased within the last three months and is finance free is sold to a funder, and then your business can lease it back at a monthly fixed cost. As well as this, we can help you with asset re-finance, wherein your business can free up equity held in high-value fixed assets, such as equipment or machinery.
Here at AJL Finance, can offer flexible repayment terms, rates and loan amounts. Get in touch by filling in the form and be on the way to giving your business a boost.